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How do forecast scenarios work?

Once you have built your Central forecast, you can use scenarios to test the cash impact of specific events.

Written by Dia Khalaf
Updated over a year ago


You can build alternative scenarios on Fygr.

To do this, click on the "Scenario" button, then click on "+ Scenario" :

Dashboard tab image - Add a scenario

Then name your scenario and confirm:

Add scenario

A scenario takes the figures from the central forecast and adds events to them (positively or negatively). For example:

  • Obtaining financing;

  • The recruitment of one or more employees;

  • A drop in sales for several months;

  • The purchase of equipment;

  • etc.

Once created, to display a given scenario in your table, select it from the drop-down menu above the table.

The figures displayed in black in your table correspond to the figures for the scenario selected. The figures in green/red correspond to the difference - in the selected cell - between the selected scenario (on the left) and the central scenario (or the other selected scenario, on the right).

Each scenario corresponds to a combination of events:

Image showing the events for each scenario

And each event is individually configured according to a series of criteria.

Image showing the settings for each event

You can use the table to compare 2 scenarios:

Image showing the comparison table between two scenarios

Or all the scenarios from the graph :

View of all scenarios from the graph

You can also watch our video tutorial to learn how to build your scenarios 👇

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