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How does transaction categorisation work?
How does transaction categorisation work?

Categorising your transactions is an essential step in setting up your settings so that you can monitor your cash flow effectively.

Written by Dia Khalaf
Updated over a year ago

Once :

The next step in setting up your account is to categorise your transactions and assign them to the various categories and sub-categories you have created.

With Fygr, in just a few clicks, categorising your banking transactions is a simple, fluid and personalised experience that only takes a few minutes.

To categorise your transactions, go to the "Transactions" tab in Fygr:

The best way to categorise your banking transactions quickly is to create rules to systemise the categorisation process. There are 3 ways of creating categorisation rules:

  • Creating keyword rules

    • Use the search bar to group together all transactions containing a given keyword:

    • Categorise a transaction among the filtered transactions:

    • Once you have categorised an initial transaction, a window will appear asking you to create a rule to categorise all transactions containing the given term within the category/sub-category:

    • Click on "Add" to create a rule automatically. You can view all your rules by clicking on "View my rules":

      In this tab, you can easily create new rules, delete them and change priorities.

      And also set other criteria to your rules (dates, amounts, bank accounts, etc.). To do this, click on the "►" button to the right of the priority number.

  • Creating rules using suggestions

    Within the rules table, you will find a "See suggestions" button.

    These suggestions are offered by Fygr to highlight the most recurrent relevant keywords, in order to facilitate this categorisation stage.

    Here, Fygr has identified 10 transactions with the common keywords "VAT" and "Invoice" and suggests that you select a category to categorise them together.

    You can now :

    • Accept the suggestion by selecting the category of your choice and clicking on the tick ;

    • Reject the suggestion by clicking directly on the bin icon.

    • To find out which transactions are concerned, simply click on the eye icon :

  • Creating rules using assisted categorisation

    • For a given transaction, select the category and sub-category of your choice :

    • Fygr will automatically match other transactions with very similar names and amounts and suggest that you categorise them together in a rule:

      Image illustrating a categorization proposal on Fygr.

      You can accept the rule by clicking on the green "Add" button, or reject it by clicking on the blue button.

Rules priority

If some of your transactions do not seem to be correctly categorised, remember to check the priorities between your different rules. The number to the left of each rule corresponds to its priority position. For example, rule number 5 in your table will be given priority by Fygr for categorising the transactions concerned over rule number 8 (in the event that both of these 2 rules apply to the same transaction).


  • I want to categorise all transactions containing the keyword "Salary" in the category Salaries > Employees, with the exception of transactions containing both the keyword "Salary" and the keyword "Baptiste", which should be categorised in the category Salaries > Temporary.

  • If the rule [Salary ⇒ "Salaries > Employees"] is above the rule [Salary & Baptiste ⇒ "Salaries > Interim"], then all transactions containing the keyword "Salary" will be categorised in the category "Salaries > Employees", including transactions which also contain the keyword "Baptiste".

    To ensure that transactions are correctly categorised in the desired categories, the rule [Salary & Baptiste ⇒ "Salary > Interim"] must be prioritised:

    Image showing an example of rule priority

How do I change priorities?

Simply hold down the left-most button on each rule line (in the shape of a +), then drag the rule to the priority level of your choice.

In the video below, we show you in full how to categorise your transactions 👇

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